We participated, as exhibitors, at the recent VIV Asia in Bangkok from 15 to 17 March 2017. Since we have missed this event for a long time we could not get that position of visibility that we would have hoped in. Nevertheless, we met new and old customers and our first feelings about the future are more than positive.
Unfortunately, however, there were also some very negative feedback that greatly embittered us: we realized, first-hand, that there are those who use the name OMAZ to promote false systems “Made in Italy” and realize batteries similar to ours passing them off as original OMAZ. To protect our brand, our image and the interests of our customers, who honour us with their trust, we reiterate that OMAZ has its production facility exclusively in Italy. All the raw materials used by OMAZ are of absolute EU origin and with its corresponding certification.
OMAZ has never granted to anyone (nor does it intend to do so) the license to produce, on behalf of our company, any kind of batteries.
OMAZ protects customers